AQ Revolution - Behavioural Revolution

Imagine unlocking all
of the thinking-power
of all your people

When did you last have the freedom to think at your best? AQ uses a unique mix of behavioural science and executive experience to create new thinking experiences where organisations, leaders and teams are enabled to harness the freedom to truly think.

Freedom to think beyond personal limitation and bias so you, and your organisation, can absolutely thrive in a transforming world of opportunity....

The 2019 World Economic Forum identified that the organisations and leaders which will now thrive are those which are most adept at harnessing the collective intelligence of all their people. But what does this really mean? Take a moment, and consider: When did you last have the freedom to think at your best? And, when did your organisation? Now imagine being given the thinking space, tools and techniques to think with a power and clarity you and your organisation have never had before…imagine what you could create and achieve…

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The World is dramatically changing...


IQ and EQ are no longer enough. We help you create ways of thinking which are more than the sum of their parts - all-brain, all-organisation thinking. What we call AQ.

The only certainty now is uncertainty. In this changing world you are either disrupting yourself, or someone else is. The average tenure of a CEO is the shortest its been in a decade and only 30% of FTSE companies are still around since its formation in 1984. To thrive organisations will need to access new ways of thinking, access the whole intelligence of all of their people. All-brain and all-organisation thinking. Are you prepared?

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Using a unique blend of behavioural science and real-life experience we help leaders and organisations think-to-thrive in today’s revolutionary world.

Action learning groups

We run 1, 3 and 12 month Action Learning Groups in-house and cross-company for managers and senior leaders.

For more information please contact Matt Richards, 07961 313 188, Close

Bespoke training

Solution-focused training designed to fix your organisation's unique business problems and learning needs.

For more information please contact Andy Jones, 07941 512 093, Close

Think-to-thrive Consultancy

When did you last have the opportunity to think at your best? Unique leadership science, experience and future-focused approaches to thrive in a digital world.

For more information please contact Matt Richards, 07961 313 188, Close

Team Coaching

Coaching boards and teams to harness 'the new', transcend conflict, and to think at their best.

For more information please contact Matt Richards, 07961 313 188, Close

1-2-1 Coaching

Coaching designed within unique-fit relationships and based on cutting-edge behavioural science.

For more information please contact Andy Jones, 07941 512 093, Close


Matt Richards

Matt Richards

Founding Partner

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With over 20,000 hours of c-suite leadership, coaching and behavioural change experience Matt is perfectly positioned to help leaders and managers grow and unlock all of their – and their organisation’s – potential.


Beyond leadership, Matt has a series of distinctions in his post-graduate work in behavioural change, and is currently researching the role of emotional intelligence, connection and embodiment in successful individual and organisational change programs.


Clients include a number of the world’s most known global brands, top-rated companies in Financial Times industry reports, organisations excelling in the Investors in People Awards as well as Olympic medallists.

Andy Jones

Andy Jones

Founding Partner

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Andy has over 30 years’ experience of leadership in global organisations and specialises in working with senior executives and their teams on initiating and leading transformational change in a world where technology, demographics, climate change, globalisation and politics are having an unprecedented, interconnected impact.


Andy has a Post Graduate Diploma in Coaching and Behavioural Change from Henley Business School and is a director of the Association for Professional Executive Coaching and Supervision (APECS), the professional body for executive coaching and supervision to corporate organisations. He is a qualified chartered accountant and has held various board level roles leading global teams within companies such as Credit Suisse, Macquarie Bank and Fidelity International.


He has worked with clients from organisations such as Hiscox, Provident Financial, UK Hydrographic Office, Prince’s Trust and UBS.

With decades of leadership experience and world leading research in Behavioural Change, AQ’s unique form of problem solving helps you unlock your own, your people's and your organisation’s full potential.

AQ partners have helped executives and teams from start-ups to global brands including:

Volkswagen Invesco Department for Work and Pensions EA Games UPS Hiscox Mars New Day